Trouble Shooting

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Care of Diamond Bits

Diamonds and matrices are brittle and sensitive to shock. Therefore, all diamond tools must be handled with care. Matrices do not like high temperatures, therefore drill fluids must reach the bit at full velocity and volume.

Here is a list of common “do’s and don’t” of diamond tools:


  • Drop or hit diamond bits – diamonds and/or matrix may shatter
  • Drop bits onto the bottom of the hole – diamonds and/or matrix may shatter
  • Start turning bits under pressure – diamonds and/or matrix may be damaged
  • Contact the matrix with a wrench – diamonds and/or matrix may shatter
  • Grind core – damages bit and shell
  • Allow any vibration to occur – damages bit and shell instantly
  • Force your bit – if the bit does not penetrate, change it to a higher number matrix


  • Handle diamond tools with care – they are expensive tools
  • Start circulating fluid before you put the bit on the bottom of the hole – this cleans out cuttings, preventing damage to the bit
  • Start a new bit several centimeters from the bottom of the hole and drill the bit into the formation.
  • Increase the feed and speed to optimum after drilling 30-60 cm.
  • Check joints for leaks – leaks reduce circulating fluid pressure and volume at the bit.
  • Check your corebarrel and rods for straightness – this will reduce vibration. Use grease or fluid additives.
  • Check the inside of rods and corebarrel before putting into hole – foreign items in the hole can prevent the innertube from latching.
  • Make sure your reaming shell is in gauge–this will ensure you do not have to ream a bit. A bit is not a reamer, and reaming a bit will damage it.
  • Recover lost core – loose core in the hole will damage bits